Flock Mail lets you create custom rules and filter emails based on predefined conditions. You can access this by clicking on Preferences from the gear icon and clicking on Rules.
Set the condition
As the first step, you set conditions for incoming emails.
- You can set conditions based on from email, sent to email, cc to me, subject includes, subject / body includes and has attachments.
- You can set a condition with any one (e.g. from email) or a combination of multiple options (e.g. from email and has an attachment).
Set the action
Once you have set the condition, set action needs to be taken on the emails that satisfy the conditions.
- You can choose the emails to be Moved to folder, Moved to trash, Moved to archive, Mark as spam, Mark as read, Star it. If you want the emails to be moved to a folder, you can choose from one of the pre-created folders or create a new folder.
- You can set one action (e.g. move to folder) or multiple actions (e.g. Move to folder and Star it) based on your requirement.
Once a rule is created, you may edit it and make changes in the future.